What does it mean to be a member of a School Organization?
Administrator (Pro Educator account)
The Administrator is a Pro Educator who also has administrative control over the School License. There can be as many Administrators as you’d like. Administrators create, manage, remove, and delete Student and other Pro Educator accounts. For consistency, we recommend only having one or two people handle the creation of accounts. All Pro Educators are automatically and irrevocably made editors of any student-created content.
All Pro Educators, Administrator or not, are part of the Ed.VoiceThread network, which is a secure collaborative space for K-12 students and educators.
Other Administrators can manage these accounts, meaning they can view and change account information and even delete the accounts.
Educator (Pro Educator account)
Pro Educators who are not Administrators can still manage students’ accounts, meaning they can change students’ names, Identity names, email addresses, and passwords. They cannot create, remove, or delete accounts, and they cannot manage other Pro Educator accounts. They also cannot change the settings for the School License as a whole.
Administrators manage Educators’ accounts, meaning they can view and change account information and even delete the accounts.
Student (Student account)
Students have accounts are members of Ed.VoiceThread. Students can easily create VoiceThreads and share them with one another in a secure environment. All Pro Educators manage these accounts, meaning they can change a student’s name, email address, Identity, and password. Administrators can delete students’ accounts. Pro Educators are automatically and irrevocably made editors for all student work, so they can help edit and moderate their VoiceThreads.